Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Today we finished our experiment setup and successfully loaded it onto the Zero G aircraft. Then we were fitted with flight suits and briefed on anti-motion sickness. We learned that you shouldn't move your head suddenly when the plane is going into 2G or nose-up. We are hoping that the motion sickness medication they give us will prevent any breakfast from coming up!! Mrs. Wright and Mr. Hammond fly tomorrow and Mrs. Lewis flies on Friday.


  1. What a great looking team! You are go for flight, LV!

  2. I love you Daddy! Hope you have a great flight. Love, Kai

    I love you Daddy! I missed you right when you left. Love, Grant

    Wow! This is for real! Good luck LB.
    Love, LB2

  3. Colette,
    We are so proud of you. Please do not vomit it will not reflect well on our family. LOL Good luck our prayers are with you.
    Renee and Scott

  4. Hey you look GOOD!!!!! Can you keep your flight suits? Can't wait to see you guys today - happy Colette no UP CHUCK aren't the drugs GOOD!!!


  5. Hey Mr. Hammond you forget your razor????

    Office Staff

  6. Can't wait to see you during the webcast! Glad Mrs. Wright and Mr. Hammond made it through without vomiting!

    Mrs. Crawford's Class

  7. Hi Mr. Hammond and crew! The kids really enjoyed the teleconference and I know they can't wait to see their teachers & principal on Monday! Good luck to Mrs. Lewis...hoping the no vomit rule applies to you too!
    Room 13
