Friday, April 23, 2010

"Free Air Release Technique"

Today we learned all about the various gases in our bodies and how they react in high altitudes. On Monday we will be entering a hypobaric chamber and brought to an altitude of 25,000 feet to see how our bodies react to the reduced air pressure and oxygen in our bodies. The team continues to work on and fine tune our balloon experiment which will have to be housed in a protected "glove box" while the plane is in flight. The gases we will be working with in zero gravity are argon, nitrogen, helium, and carbon dioxide. Things seem to be coming together nicely and we (Mrs. Lewis, Ms. Wright, Mr. Hammond) are scheduled to fly on Thursday and Friday of next week. Hello to all at Lake and happy twins day!


  1. Your hair is so versatile, Geoff...

  2. Wow Geoff you look like a real astronaut...but don't be the first to vomit. Have fun! -The Edmonds

  3. Hi Mr.Hammond! Hi Mrs.Lewis! Hi Mrs.Wright! I cant wait to see you doing our experiment in micro-G! Have a great time in Houston!-Dakota W.

  4. HIIII MRS.LEWIS AND MR.HAMMOND! a few of bad things have happened at school but everything is working out great!Cant wiat for you to come back!

  5. Geoff, I have already experienced some of the gases in your body. Not sure you want to mess with them at 25,000 feet. KP

  6. Hey you guys look good, can't wait to hear about all the GAS fun!!!!!


  7. Geoff, better not to mess around with body gasses. Your sister knows about these things! Be good, be careful.
