Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Arrival in Houston successful

We have arrived in Houston and have had our first "briefing". We went out to the store to buy most notably: balloons, string, etc. all for our experiment. We'll be meeting at Johnson Space Center in the morning to do some setup and then have a very important safety meeting. Some of the experiments that will be flown sound absolutely amazing (of course as does ours)! Keeping you posted.


  1. Hi Mr. Hammond and Mrs. Lewis! A lot of the kids said they LOVE YOU! A lot said hi! Keep us posted! Room 13

  2. Hi guys!
    Looking forward to your vomit ride......know you are all having fun....


  3. So how do you lie the hotel??? Good breakfast??? Hey excitement at Lake View yesterday tell you later. How's the experiment looking????? See ya thank goodness it is Friday

